Photo & Privacy Policy

Piney Acres Farm Photo Policy

No WEEKEND photography during October, November, or December. Please call for date exceptions.

Our farm has become a popular photo shoot destination for both professional and amateur photographers. Please note:  we welcome guest snapshots. Photography utilizing a professional photographer (someone who earns income from photography services) require an additional fees discussed below.

Appointments must be made in advance via phone or email. You must receive a confirmation from us confirming the appointment day and time. If Piney Acres Farm is open to the public during the time of the photography sessions, attraction fees apply to all of the photographer’s clients for use of the attractions  Please see hours/prices on our website for whichever season (fall, Christmas, Spring) applies to your photography session.

Piney Acres Farm reserves the right to prohibit business disruptions to daily operations due to photography sessions or to regular customer activities. If any fixed or temporary objects are moved or damaged during a session, the photographer will be held responsible for replacement and or payment.

Although our farm is only open to the public seasonally, we work hard year-round and have year-round expenses to maintain the 73+ acres. Sometimes our farm is mistaken as a public park, but that is not the case. The farm is a family-owned business with employee expenses. We have been blessed with a business that continues to grow; as has the interest from professional photographers. Therefore, it has become necessary for a photography policy to be developed along with fees. We appreciate our customers and professional photographers understanding and cooperating with the policies that have been put into place.  Most photographers charge their clients a sitting fee per session, which covers the photographer’s cost of utilizing a facility or location. This is up to the discretion of the photographer and their client.

Our fees and rules are outlined below.

$40 per family/single-client session. (Off season must be cash payment.)

Appointments must be made and CONFIRMED in advance. No sessions the Friday, Saturday or Sunday after Thanksgiving. 

  • Professional photographers MUST check in at our farm office during off-season and in the farm store in-season. Each client session must check in as well.
  • Please be courteous and polite to all visitors and customers.
  • No public area may be closed or blocked to customers during regular business hours for a photo shoot.
  • Fake snow is not allowed.
  • Vehicles are NOT allowed in Christmas tree fields under any circumstances. All props, furniture, etc. must be carried to your photo shoot location from the parking area. We recommend bringing a wagon to transport props and other items.
  • Piney Acres Farm is NOT responsible for directing clients to your photo shoot location. Make sure your clients have your cell phone so that they can contact you upon their arrival. 
  • Use care and caution in the tree fields around newly planted young trees, landscaping and our farm animals. 
  • All photography props must be removed upon departure and any and all debris cleaned up.
  • If photos are posted online on photographers business social media, Piney Acres Farm requests tagged and attribution. 

Thank-you for choosing Piney Acres Farm for your photography session. Please let us know if we can provide any assistance to make your experience special. We look forward to your visit. Email us at [email protected] or call us at 317-326-1700.

Field Trip Registration

Field Trips
Will your students need a space for lunch?
Field Trip Option

#1 Spring Field Trip

$12.00 per child
$6.00 parent*

Planting a tree (if trees are available), Hayride, Gem Mining, Feeding the Animals & Playground time.  Approx. 2 hours

#2 Anytime Field Trip

$9.00 per child
$6.00 parent*

Hayride around the farm, Gem Mining, Feeding the Animals & playground time.  Approx. 2 hours

#3 Fall Field Trip

$10.00 per child
$6.00 parent*

Hayride to pumpkin patch, Pick a Pumpkin, Gem Mining, Feeding the Animals & Playground time.  Approx. 2 ¼ hours

*Teachers and Teacher aides are Free

After submitting your registration you will be redirected to pay your deposit online. You registration is not fully submitted until this deposit is paid. After we receive your deposit, we will contact you to confirm your tour date and time.